Saturday 23 October 2010

45. Sleep, baby, sleep (2), getting off a plane at Bristol airport, newly arrived from New York.

Scene:  The overnight flight was punctuated by the screams and general anguish of a baby who never settled.  The parents did their best, and were acutely aware of the couple in the same row further along from them, whose baby slept through the night without a peep being heard from him.  The two families met up at baggage reclaim.

Mother of noisy baby (21), English:  I’m sorry everyone’s had a rough night thanks to us – we didn’t know what to do to keep him quiet.  Yours was soooo good!  How on earth did you do it?

Father of quiet baby (28), US American:  Drugs

(Inadvertent gasp from parents of noisy baby plus several eavesdropping bystanders round the carousel)

Mother of noisy baby (trying not to sound shocked):  Really?

Mother of quiet baby (28), English:  He means we gave him a teaspoonful of cough mixture after dinner.

Father of quiet baby, US American:  Yeah.  Drugs.

(With thanks to eavesdropper Brian)


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