Saturday 2 October 2010

25. Listen with Grandmother (ii). Olivos suburb, Buenos Aires, late 1970’s

Scrabble Trouble


Towards the end of a Scrabble game between my mother and grandmother.  My father (her son) was reading a newspaper in the background.  Granny was a gentle but very straitlaced old lady, and did not like to hear even mild expletives.   “Well I never!” was the most vehement of her ripostes.  She was also very competitive at scrabble – she only had to be within sniffing distance of a triple word score and she would sit there till she found a way to use it.  On this occasion she had only three letters left to place somewhere on the board, which would enable her to win the game.

Granny, musing out loud (90):  I’ve got a U, a C and a K....  oh dear dear, where will I fit those in.... let me see, what words...?   Mmmmmmmm.... MUCK is a word.... no, there’s no free M anywhere... RUCK... is ruck a word?  (Yes Mother).   Mmmmm, can’t see any R’s on the board....  BUCK?... DUCK?.... LUCK?..... TUCK?..... noooooo.  Ah – an F….FUCK!  Is that a word?  (silence)  I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere before.  (Pensively) FUCK...FUCK.... what does it mean?  

(Strangled choking sounds from behind the shaking newspaper)

Granny:  What’s the matter?  What have I said?


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