Tuesday 19 October 2010

41. Corporate Capers (IV), Exeter airport, preparing to exit plane just landed from Paris, June 2010

Jeremy, Retired Company Chairman (he of posts 22 & 23, now older and supposedly “wiser”) (75):  This coat feels a bit tight…

(Said as he and colleagues gathered up their belongings from the overhead lockers on their return from a jolly in France, immediately prior to the dawning realisation that in his haste he had picked up the wrong coat.  His own coat had been left in the boot of the hired car at Charles de Gaulle airport together with the suitcase belonging to the acting Company Chairman, who was catching a later plane in a different direction and had dropped them off prior to returning the hired car.)

Jeremy…. (75):  Oh well, never mind, I’ll send it on to him.

(Said immediately prior to checking the pockets and realising that they contained the acting Chairman’s following belongings:  (1) Passport; (2) Airline tickets; (3) Euros; (4) Sterling; (5) All credit cards.)

(Discreet collective sigh of relief from the rest, who had jobs to lose.)


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