Friday 15 October 2010

37. Boarding School (I), Saladillo, Argentina, early 1960’s

This is at a small rural school, inexpertly run by an English couple who grouped classes together in one room due to lack of space, sitting them at different tables – or perhaps due to shortage of staff, since the headmaster taught history to the whole school of 36 pupils of differing ages and abilities.  The younger ones such as myself had no idea what was going on, but were too timid to say so.

History Examination paper, end of year. 

Question 1:  Who were the Tuscans?

Pupil (female, 7):  They were a type of elephant.

Question 2:  Why did the Tuscans lay siege to Rome?

Pupil:  (Gazing at blank page for a long time wondering how you laid a siege, before deciding to write what seemed the most obvious answer)
Because they wanted to.


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