Sunday 10 October 2010

33. At a Comprehensive School (iii), Frimley, Surrey, UK, 1973

In the staff room

Well-spoken senior teacher who fancies her sense of humour (40):  I know you’re from Argentina, but I’ve heard you talk about “B.A.”, what does that stand for?

Spanish Assistant (female, 21):  Buenos Aires, the capital.

Well spoken senior teacher (to others in staff room):  Oh I say, that’s too priceless, it sounds like “B.O.” *  (Puts on a nasal whine) “Hello everybody, I’m from Beeee.Oooooo.!”  (guffaws)

*B.O.:  In the UK, acronym for Body Odour



Azul es lejos said...

(Debo decir que si no fuera por la explicación del acrónimo, no lo hubiera entendido)

Lonicera said...

Menos mal que hice la aclaración!!
Me he pasado un rato leyendo tu blog - me encanta.