Sunday 23 January 2011

137. Cat Dictionary Series (20)

Scene:  The couple are giving their old fridge away, and someone comes to collect it in a white van with sliding doors down the sides.  When the driver and his helper are all packed and prepare to depart, the man says “Anyone seen Rusty?  He was hovering, and he seems to have disappeared.”  The driver laughs “He’s probably in the van” he says jokingly.  They both climb into the cabin, the engine is switched on.  The man hesitates, the driver engages first gear... “Hold on...hope you don’t mind”, says the man “maybe we ought to have a quick look in the back of your van just in case, sorry to be a nuisance.”  The driver obligingly slides the door open, and out jumps Rusty, seemingly quite unconcerned.

Translation:  All seems to be in order in there.  Right, what’s for dinner?


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