Friday 7 January 2011

121. Cat Dictionary Series (17)

Scene:  Banjo wakes couple up at 05:30, wanting to be let out.  Man staggers out of his warm bed, padding barefoot across the freezing stone floor of the conservatory, where he opens the cat flap.  However Banjo is used to a more personal service:  he likes his first venture into the icy morning world to be through the door.    He waits as it is unlocked for him, and as the cold blast of sub-zero air rushes in, Banjo hesitates, undecided on whether it might be worth waiting till the day has warmed up a little before venturing out.  Or maybe some biscuits first...  The doorman waits patiently while he makes up his mind, and a couple of minutes tick by.  Eventually His Nibs saunters out, and doorman hastens shivering back to his warm bed, waking his partner to tell her all about it.  She grumpily tells him off for being over-indulgent.

Translation:  They’re shocking those two the way they lie in every morning.  It’s taken me ages to train him to do things properly.  And don't get me started on her lazy habits...


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