Tuesday 8 November 2011

421. Wish I hadn't said that... (1)


A young couple are in a department store, beds department, choosing their first double bed, and are enjoying going into every detail with the salesman.

Salesman (40s):  There's a drawer underneath, which opens out like so... (demonstrates).

Young man (21):  Is that on both sides?

Salesman:  No, on one side only.

Young girl (20):  Ooh I don't like the idea of it opening on my side, I could trip over it.  What side do I sleep on?  I've suddenly gone blank!

Young man (showing off)  Well, let's see... our bed faces south, so I'm on the east side and you're therefore on the wet side.  

Before he has time to correct himself, the salesman hurriedly intercepts, unwittingly compounding the error.

Salesman:  Would you like to try it?

(Overheard at John Lewis department store)


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