Friday 14 October 2011

397. Welsh Idiosyncrasies - Nickame Series (39)

My friend Malcolm (Mal) was a Deputy in the Tower colliery until is was bought out by the workers.  He used to regale us with tales of characters who were Tower colliery face workers, i.e. - The Mole, because he spent more time underground than a mole, Flatnose (an ex boxer), Squeeky (he had a high pitched voice), and The Hawk because the man missed nothing and saw everything.  The Hawk always referred to his wife as The Old Crow

My wife has a habitual cough and Mal nicknamed her Letric Lungs.  He calls me El Sumpo because I am prone to drink anything and everything, and a District Nurse friend he calls Doctor Death.  An alcoholic friend is Mustafa - because she mustafa drink.  Never did find out what Mal's nickname is.  Compared to Wales, working in Kuwait for a Korean company is boring, from the nickname point of view.  Happy memories of the South Wales mining communities.

Dave Glanville from Kuwait


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